Resources for Teachers & Schools
So... what is giftedness?
A gifted child is one who performs or has the ability to perform at a level significantly beyond his or her chronologically aged peers and whose unique abilities and characteristics require special provisions and social and emotional support from the family, community and educational context.
Harrison C., 2005 in 'Young gifted children. Their search for complexity and connection.'
A more involved description provided by the Columbus Group in 1991 defines giftedness as an “asynchronous development in which advanced cognitive abilities and heightened intensity combine to create inner experiences and awareness that are qualitatively different from the norm.” This asynchrony increases with higher intellectual capacity, they wrote. “The uniqueness of the gifted renders them vulnerable and requires modifications in parenting, teaching, and counseling in order for them to develop optimally.”
Are you a GATE Representative for your school, or interested in knowing more?
TGC is not just about running the Head Office programme. Our goal is to support schools in meeting the needs of their gifted learners. Every year TGC provides professional development opportunities for all cluster school staff to attend free of charge. We also provide links to resources for schools, as seen below, a termly focus newsletter and support for GATE representatives or Principals. Meeting the needs of gifted learners can be complex and overwhelming, particularly with the competing demands of teaching today. We aim to provide an easy to access portal, with quick, efficient and practical resources and documents that can have a true impact on your gifted learners.
If you're interested in being a part of growing awareness in Taranaki in gifted education or if you are a GATE Coordinator at one of our cluster schools, please email Katja Eager to register your interest: [email protected] or simply refer to the links we've provided below.
The Taranaki Gifted Community Trust also organises Professional Development workshops for educators on varying topics related to gifted children and can tailor content to what your school needs. Upcoming workshops will be advertised on our website, our Facebook page and communicated directly to our cluster schools.
If you're interested in being a part of growing awareness in Taranaki in gifted education or if you are a GATE Coordinator at one of our cluster schools, please email Katja Eager to register your interest: [email protected] or simply refer to the links we've provided below.
The Taranaki Gifted Community Trust also organises Professional Development workshops for educators on varying topics related to gifted children and can tailor content to what your school needs. Upcoming workshops will be advertised on our website, our Facebook page and communicated directly to our cluster schools.
Useful Links
Presentations are amazing opportunities for further learning, follow this link to view presentation and workshop notes from previous events
Organisations involved in Gifted Education:
Ministry of Education - Gifted and Talented online (TKI)
New Zealand Association for Gifted Children (NZAGC)
Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted (SENG)
Identification and Documentation to help at a school level:
Chart comparing High achievers, Gifted learners and Creative thinkers
Quick Identification Checklist & Torrance Test of Creative Thinking
Differentiation and Adaptation (from TKI website)
What is the "gifted" thing anyway? An article that explains how to explain giftedness.
Research on Gifted Education - New Zealand specific:
Lifting the Lid - a collection of resource developed specifically to support families and educators in regards to the gifted and talented and gifted education in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Research on Gifted Education - International:
Is it a Cheetah? one of the most thought-provoking articles about giftedness, an oldie but a goodie.
Gifted Students benefit from ability grouping, acceleration: a report from Northwestern School of Education and Social Policy
Ministry of Education - Gifted and Talented online (TKI)
New Zealand Association for Gifted Children (NZAGC)
Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted (SENG)
Identification and Documentation to help at a school level:
Chart comparing High achievers, Gifted learners and Creative thinkers
Quick Identification Checklist & Torrance Test of Creative Thinking
Differentiation and Adaptation (from TKI website)
What is the "gifted" thing anyway? An article that explains how to explain giftedness.
Research on Gifted Education - New Zealand specific:
Lifting the Lid - a collection of resource developed specifically to support families and educators in regards to the gifted and talented and gifted education in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Research on Gifted Education - International:
Is it a Cheetah? one of the most thought-provoking articles about giftedness, an oldie but a goodie.
Gifted Students benefit from ability grouping, acceleration: a report from Northwestern School of Education and Social Policy