Gifted. That's quite an uncomfortable label...
Did you cringe a bit when the 'Gifted' word is used? We at The Head Office are not too keen on the term either as it stirs up images of elitism, hot-housing and guaranteed future success. Yet the truth is a lot more complex and a lot less glamorous if you are the parent of a gifted child.
Maybe we could just describe these children in a different way? Maybe exceptional? Different? Quirky? We prefer to call them 'Advanced students with complex learning needs' as we feel it describes them pretty well.
No matter what term we use, at the core of each conversation is a child that needs our help and is worthy of our support.
Use our form to find out some of the traits, characteristics, strengths and struggles a gifted child may display. If you want you can leave your email address so we can talk further.
Maybe we could just describe these children in a different way? Maybe exceptional? Different? Quirky? We prefer to call them 'Advanced students with complex learning needs' as we feel it describes them pretty well.
No matter what term we use, at the core of each conversation is a child that needs our help and is worthy of our support.
Use our form to find out some of the traits, characteristics, strengths and struggles a gifted child may display. If you want you can leave your email address so we can talk further.