Let's change the narrative.
A strength-based programme for learners with dyslexia
A programme to support the well-being and creative thinking of learners with dyslexia to increase academic engagement and success.
THE RESEARCH Learning needs to be attainable. Learners with dyslexia have to face many obstacles and challenges in a literacy focused world. In line with the Te Mātaiaho approach to inclusive education, the programme builds and identifies the individual strength areas for each learner in a safe and supportive classroom environment building confidence, engagement and curiosity. Our brains are like rainforests, with a large diversity of thinking and learning approaches. Learners with Dyslexia process information differently which comes with so much potential. They often have a symphony of ideas and are incredible in making connections. By offering a variety of learning tools and assistive technologies, learners are supported in embracing a love for learning again and communicating their ideas. APPROACH The strength based programme focuses on the well-being, curiosity and engagement of learners. It acknowledges and celebrates the importance of neurodiversity in our learners and shifts the focus away from the learning deficits. We aim to find strategies to use learners' individual strengths and interests to build effective approaches to their learning while strengthening their social emotional wellbeing.` |
In addition to wellbeing, creative thinking strategies, and problem solving activities; learners are introduced to a variety of assistive technologies that can be used to enhance their individual learning journeys. 01. HAUORA Students explore and identify their learning needs and strengths to develop strategies to overcome challenges and obstacles. Growth Mindset approaches are shared to build resilience and academic engagement. 02. DESIGN THINKING Students are encouraged to work to their strength areas such as visual spatial thinking, creative design, problem solving and outside the box thinking by engaging in relevant and real world hands on activities. Collaborating with like minded peers in a safe and supportive environment allows them to explore and engage in a variety of creative thinking, learning and presentation approaches. 03. ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGIES Using a variety of approaches to offer choice and the right fit for each individual: from C-Pen, Reader Writer, Online mind mapping tools, to Education Perfect. We coach students in the use of a variety of available tools. |
Where to from here?